關於我們 | About Us
漢斯克的技術已經廣泛應用於享譽國際的運動服裝、戶外服裝、戶外裝備、家用紡織品和商用紡織品市場。 我們的宗旨是“科技創新,追求卓越”,從而提高我們客戶和終端使用者對產品的滿意度以及忠誠度。
Hansk New Materials Holdings Limited is an innovative leader in multi-functional fabric and building material technologies.
We are embraced by some of the world's most recognized brand names in the active wear, outdoor clothing, outdoor equipment, home and commercial textile markets. Our aim is to produce 'excellence through innovation' and give our customers and end users, both essential and desirable added value.
X-MOS soft surface treatment can be applied on different types of fabrics under room condition for added anti-microbial, anti-dustmite and anti-mosquito property.
X-MOS hard surface coating can be applied to a wide range of surfaces including ceramic, marble, wood, stainless steel and plastic.